Why Do You Paint?

 Why do you paint?

"I create beauty to share with others when some days things are less than beautiful around us." - Ginnie Cappaert

I was honored to be a featured artist at Edgewood Orchard Galleries here in Door County.  The opening reception was this weekend and I also did a painting demo on Sunday to a full house.  Both events humble me and I appreciate people taking time out of their busy summer schedules to attend with a sincere interest in my work and process.

Right now, more than ever, we need to be present in the goodness that surrounds us and I hope my paintings take the viewer back to 'memories' of special places because that is what I paint, 'memories'.  

Here are a few images from the show which will be up for a few weeks.  Edgewood Orchard Galleries is just down the road from my gallery/studio here in beautiful Door County.  Summer is a great time to check out the arts here!


Silence of Noise